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I'm all about Naruto and fanfic!!!! oh yeah and sometimes i kid, so when you see this ;) at the end of my sentence, that means i'm kidding. oh and, NARUTO AND SASUKE ARE MINE! MWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

(online status
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Name:   narutauzumaki411Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1990-10-26Country:   United States
Joined:   2006-10-11Location:   playing w/ either naruto or any of the other imaginary friends of mine.
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   6 graphics 
Name:   narutauzumaki411
Birthday:   1990-10-26
Joined:   2006-10-11
Location:   playing w/ either naruto or any of the other imaginary friends of mine.
Uploads:   6 graphics 
do you believe in werewolves? well i'm a werecat. if you cross me you pay. dearly. MWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! noone dare try and say naruto and sasuke are thiers. if you wish to cross me by doing so, then all be it. but you'll regret it. my name's serena and only my best of friends can call me that here. i'll tell you if you can. OHHHHHHH YES, I LOVE SASUKE AND NARUTO. HANDS OFF. OR ELSE. I MEAN IT.
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User Comments

eclairlumiere writes:
Added you. Add me back? I'm a huge Naruto fan

Posted on: Mar 6th 2011, 8:52:29am

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