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You are unique. You are different from everyone else. Don't take that as a disadvantage, be happy that you stand out in a crowd

Name:   EllaRanking:   --
Birthday:   1990-05-08Country:   
Joined:   2014-04-27Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Ella
Birthday:   1990-05-08
Joined:   2014-04-27
Hello, I'm Ella, this is my profile. I'm unique and I know it. I don't care because I'm happy with who I am. Add me, love me, idol me, I don't care. I <3 the world and all the people in it.


To be or not to be, that is the question - William Shakespear
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User Comments

skycloud writes:
Hello my friend, have a great day today. Wishing you all the best, and have a great day today and the rest of the week.

Posted on: Oct 1st 2014, 2:09:37am

sweetpea2020 writes:
Hello if you use Facebook are you able to do me a HUGE favor and Copy & Paste this link and like the photo I posted? it's Open till June 8th.
It's to win a Free Cover up Tattoo in Honor of my Baby Boy Owen, I would love to win so they can make something Beautiful to cover up this one.
This current one is not something I'm proud of I've wished everyday since I got it that it was not real but it is and it don't honor my Son the Life I fought to keep in my tummy for 8-1/2 months on bed rest and praying I didn't lose him like I have before.
This LINK IS SAFE so please copy and paste and help me out PLEASE!!

Thank you <3

Posted on: May 29th 2014, 2:25:34am

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