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I'm a true-blue fan of Demi and Selena!

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Name:   Nathania [:Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-09-25Country:   
Joined:   2008-11-20Location:   Hollywood..hehe
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Nathania [:
Birthday:   1993-09-25
Joined:   2008-11-20
Location:   Hollywood..hehe

Halloo!My name is Nathania.You can call me Thania for short (:
I'm a Filipino and my great grandfather is an American-British.
Well that's a lil bit far but it's so obvious that I'm an
American-British.I'm a true-blue fan of Demi Lovato,Selena Gomez
and Miley Cyrus.Generally,I'm a true-blue fan of Disney.Anything
related to Disney.I love ACS or "A Cinderella Story".The
girl protagonist is Selena Gomez.Drew and Selena look good 2geder
although Drew is 10 years older than her!xD




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