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"No, I don't have ADHD- hey look, a bunny!"

Name:   haloxchanRanking:   --
Birthday:   1990-11-18Country:   
Joined:   2008-10-26Location:   None 'ya
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   4 graphics 
Name:   haloxchan
Birthday:   1990-11-18
Joined:   2008-10-26
Location:   None 'ya
Uploads:   4 graphics 
Name: Haye
Country: USA
Gender: Female
Location: still none of your business >:C
Birthday: 18/11/1995

Your quote: Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.

Heyy what's going on guys?
I haven't used this site for years. But I'll start again because Photobucket wonks up my GIFs. :I

SOYEAH I'd love to get into contact with.. well. Anyone that I talked to on here. c:
Just message me on deviantart.
DON'T HAVE A deviantArt?
Tough noodles time to make one.

Loveyouguys. <3
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