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Name:   Glee Lovers ClubRanking:   --
Birthday:   2010-06-19Country:   
Joined:   2010-06-19Location:   Auditorium<3
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Glee Lovers Club
Birthday:   2010-06-19
Joined:   2010-06-19
Location:   Auditorium<3

Glee's Introduction:
Yow Singers! Ready to rock? Okay!! Welcome to the glee lovers club, where glee rules! Be sure to be an active member! I'm so happy you joined us here. I really hope you have fun and you are active!~ Don't worry! There are contests, prizes, clickies, members, and more! just fill in the the form and you are off to glee! Have a Great Day Of Your First Adventure!~ Yaay<3 Btw, we expect a lot from you glee lovers!~ Goood Luck<3 Bye!

Co - owner
Clickie Maker
B-day Wisher

Name: Celestine
Age: 10
B - day: November 15
Job: Owner
Fav Glee Cast: Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) and Cory Moneith

Name: Kathlyn
Age: 12
B-day: April 15
Job: Co-Owner
Fav Glee Cast: Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) ☺

Name: Yummi Chan
Age: 11
B-day: July 7
Job: Clickie Maker
Fav Glee Cast: Rachel Berry (Lea Michele)
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