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Name:   fake.loveRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-04-03Country:   
Joined:   2009-11-19Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Birthday:   1993-04-03
Joined:   2009-11-19

Facts You Don't Want To Learn.
I'm not your simple "emo"//"scene" girl you can laugh at. I'm not an depressed little wimp {not that emos
and scene are depressed little wimps (;} I'm your darling Dani who can love you for one hour as we cud-
dle (; then leave you alone to think of the times we had. I play wii with my friends, have pillow fights at
sleep overs, wear my clothes back wards, and you think I'm a normal kid. I'll make mistakes like you, tell stu-
pid cheesy jokes like your papa, make hearts with my hands, and even tell my secetes to my teddy.
I can make fun of you in 10 secs when your not looking, I can have mood swings and chase you around the neighbor-hood because you stole my cookie. I wish I could be normal ... but life has it's own plans.

My hobbies: Chasing hobos for my pie back, texting with my friends, calling over and over again, send
letters to my friends at L.A, Singing, Dancing, walking, changing chanels while doing my HW,
back talking to people who I dont like, Holding hands with my Bf, making food fights while the tattle
tellers aren't looking, drawing, listening to music in peoples profiles, Punching my pillow when I get mad,
and even more that would bore you to sleep; So I'll shorten it to; as in... ect.

Note to people who think I'm new
No no nooo I am certainly noot new! I might made this account on a time but certainly if I can already
know how to switch colors and size and center then ... noooo I am soo not an noob. So you can shush
about the "oh hey, seems like your new" thing! cause I'll just ignore it -.-'s buddies:
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