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NOOOOO....kanye west got arrested :(

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Name:   ::.Life In Technicolor.:: Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1989-12-25Country:   Canada
Joined:   2008-09-03Location:   Ontario
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   ::.Life In Technicolor.::
Birthday:   1989-12-25
Joined:   2008-09-03
Location:   Ontario

Liane or Lana is meh(I hate my real name so don't ask). I'm an un-normal 18 year old. I'm class of 08. I want to be an ARTIST. I'm an Canadian fer sure. I love anime and video games. I write Bad fan-fic's In which i mean SEX.I love Rock and Rap :0 I'm dating an person named Madison :) I work with depressed Teenager's. I LOVE my grandparent's see how i said my Grandparent's. I'm an Disney girl in heart. NO WONDER why i'm in Love with KH. Well i have lotz of guy friend's but not girl's. GUYS ARE WAY BETTER :D:D:D I'm an person that will never ever JUDGE yuuu. I'm an open minded person. I don't believe in drug's or drinking. I love kiddiez :) i want 7 of them :D I'm PRO-LIFE but I'm an Democrat.
I'M SUPER RANDOM so don't act like i didn't warn yuu. ;)




MADISON is my Boyfriend/Fianc'ee. I LOVE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING. He is one year younger than me. I met him from my friend sammantha and sammantha is his sister. So she introduced me to him. And then first we became friend's then Best friend's then we fell in love. Were engaged and getting married the day of 12.24.08. He's been threw so much from his childhood. He was teased when he was in middle and high school for being bisexual. I support him not matter what. I love him more than anything. :) I say i wear the pant's in the relationship but he wear's the shirt ;D

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