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Name:   ValerieRanking:   --
Birthday:   1920-07-02Country:   United States
Joined:   2009-12-25Location:   New York >_<
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Valerie
Birthday:   1920-07-02
Joined:   2009-12-25
Location:   New York >_<
Friday Raining made my avatar!

Valerie Alice Rose AKA Valerie Vampire
but you can just call me Val
iz 6teen
broken heareted..
pretty much scene-emo and I live with my mum in Cali
half spainard and half caucasian
BFF is Danika Deathalore she is totally hawt and meh wifey :3
have an adopted sistah and her name is Aphra
she is 4teen and in love with a guy named Justin
I love writing poems and songs the only problem is they aren't any goood
and no, i don't have a myspace, facebook, or twittah, please, do not ask meh.
If you add me, I'll think about it heheh
Peace <3 Twilight
Team Edward he es hawt

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