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Suddenly, I'm falling for you..

Name:   Chelsea BabeyRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-02-29Country:   
Joined:   2008-12-14Location:   As if, stalkers(;
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Chelsea Babey
Birthday:   1992-02-29
Joined:   2008-12-14
Location:   As if, stalkers(;
Hey There, Scene Kiddos;

Tha name's Chelsea, or Chels for short. I'm single, but in love with the most perfect person, whoes taken. I can be sweet or sour, but I'll screw with you if you screw with my friends. Music and photography are my strengths, but love is my one and only weakness. I try to be strong, when I shouldn't be, and it makes me crazy. Yea, I'm insane, but as close to sanity as it gets. I've suffered losses, and gained happiness, but always end up at the begining. I'm lookin' for the meaning of life, so kindly tell me what it is, if you know. So add me, loves. I won't do ya no harm, but to rethink your entire exsistence. (:

He's my Edward Cullen;

I love him. Period. There's nothin' else to say. He's taken, and in love, but I wish he was mine. We've been best friends since pre-school. But his girlfriend's gorgeous, and I'm nothing more than some girl to him. I won't tell his name, people can't be trusted. (; But if ya know him, then you'll know exactly what he thinks of me. So, I longingly stare at him with great adoration, and he smiles, and hugs her.
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User Comments

anndiexautopsy writes:
hey, i was

add my new gg account
Anndie Anatomy Autopsy

Posted on: Sep 25th 2010, 1:28:00pm

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